

Reasons To Have Your Pool Inspected

Pool inspections should always be a critical part of any new home purchase. Still, despite the many reasons for having them conducted, failing to have a pool inspected by a qualified professional might prove to be a very expensive decision down the line, particularly if there are some underlying or unseen issues with the structure. Pool inspections are not something that people automatically think about, and they certainly aren’t something that most would see as a necessity. However, in the event of a serious problem, it should not be ignored or passed over.

Hiring Professionals

Thorough swimming pool inspections will help to ensure that any issue with your pool can be dealt with accordingly. Pool construction and materials are quite complex, and it’s best to leave the job to someone who knows what they’re doing. While there are numerous pool inspectors out there, only a few (if any at all) specialize in swimming pool inspections. That’s because the task of a swimming pool inspection can be rather sensitive, requiring thorough knowledge and experience in the field. It is important that pool inspectors carefully assess the problems with your pool before issuing a report that will likely include recommendations for pool repair.

It is possible to save money on pool inspections by bypassing the professionals altogether and seeking pool inspections from do-it-yourselfers. While there is nothing wrong with this idea in some situations, pool inspections are usually best left to the professionals. Not only can amateurs make major mistakes, but inexperienced pool inspectors themselves can also create problems that require significant repair. For these reasons, it’s better to leave the job to a trained and licensed professional.

Possible Problems

Many homeowners make the mistake of assuming that if their pool has a few issues that they can just “fix” them on their own. While pool inspections do require some technical expertise, pool owners should not attempt pool repair work if they have never done this type of work before. When pool construction is involved, many specialized tools and products must be used to properly complete inspections. Even though most inspections include pool drains and filter systems, many times pool inspections will also require the use of certain pool equipment such as pool cleaners, skimmers, floats, pressure testers, chemical testers and more.

Unfortunately, many pool inspections are also accompanied by pool repair work. In these cases, pool care specialists can make pool repairs while they inspect your pool. Pool owners need to realize the potential costs of improperly performing pool inspections. While some pool inspections don’t require any extra effort, others may require draining the pool or cleaning out various components, including filters, pool pumps, heaters, and more. If pool owners neglect to perform required pool inspections, they may end up spending more money on repairs than they would have if they had properly performed the inspections in the first place.

Inspection Process

A swimming pool inspection should not simply involve inspecting the pool itself. Many other issues need to be addressed when it comes to pool maintenance, so another swimming pool inspection should also take into consideration issues that would impact pool safety. For example, homeowners should consider the possibility that dangerous chemicals or debris could be stored in the pool area. Pool inspections should also take into account pool decking. Improper decking can pose several hazards. 

Pool inspections should also include comprehensive testing of the heater, filter, and system. Having this test done will allow pool owners to identify potential problems, and it can also alert them to safety issues that aren’t always addressed during routine maintenance visits. For instance, monthly pool inspections can sometimes be inadequate in detecting pool water problems such as breakdown filters or faulty pressure testing. By performing pressure testing at least quarterly, pool owners can ensure their pools continue to function at maximum efficiency.

A licensed inspector can identify any major problems that require immediate repair, and they will also be able to offer tips and advice on how to address these issues. Although there’s nothing wrong with hiring a professional to perform pool inspections, homeowners shouldn’t discount home inspectors entirely. Home inspectors will be able to identify any problems that a homeowner wouldn’t be able to identify on their own, and a home inspection can help save a significant amount of money in the long run. By regularly performing pool inspections, homeowners can be sure that they’re using their swimming pool equipment in the most efficient manner possible, and this can help them save money on both routine pool maintenance and emergency services.

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